The Embodied Path 300 Hour Advanced Yoga Teacher Training

Immerse yourself in the practice and study of yoga with us, both in person or streamed online.

~ January 10 to May 25, 2025 ~


If yoga could be summed up in one phrase it might be: notice what you notice. The heart loves nothing better than to experience the dance of remembering itself, noticing itself, awakening to curiosity. We go on journeys to deepen this recognition. The practice of yoga shows us the small mirrors that reflect the wisdom and vastness of the heart within our bodies, energetic perceptions, thoughts, emotions, intuitions, and sensations. On each of these layers yoga offers us skillful tools to say “oh, there you are” to our deepest places.  The body is where the practice starts, and from there we overflow into wholeness, for as it is said in yoga: higher than the body is our senses; higher than our senses is the mind; higher than the mind is our intelligence; and higher than our intelligence is our heart.
Let’s explore.



This Yoga Alliance-accredited training offers a rich study of yoga philosophy & practice.

Our 300 hour course provides:

  • A deeper dive for those that previously completed a 200 hour training.

  • A transformational experience that is designed to mature and deepen your connection to the practices of yoga, teaching, self-inquiry, and self care.

  • Focus on developing your own individual teaching style, voice and way– rooted in experience.

  • Mentorship with one of the lead teachers in supporting your unique growth.

Over the course of 300+ hours, you’ll have guidance and support to develop more confidence in your understanding and sharing of: 

  • Asana – structural and energetic
  • Yoga Philosophy
  • Tantra Philosophy
  • A deep look at the Energetic Body
  • Embodied Anatomy
  • Classic and Sacred texts
  • Leading / guiding meditations and pranayama practices
  • Yin Yoga
  • Yoga Nidra
  • How to wisely structure a class sequence or a workshop


At the 300 hour level, you have already completed a 200 hour course and are seeking to develop your skills as a yoga practitioner and teacher. Over the course of monthly weekends and weekday practices, live sessions with our team of experienced teachers will allow you to learn and grow in a supportive, dynamic environment.



Five months provides time to deepen in the foundations you have already been exposed to and to unpack more subtle aspects of the practice and teaching.

HERE is a link to our 2025 course outline.

Early Bird Tuition: $3,950 – Deposit due by November 15, 2024.

Full Tuition: $4,350 – Deposit due by January 3, 2025.

Payment Plans are available.

We have a limited amount of scholarship opportunities, including specifically for our BIPOC community. Please contact Luca for more information.

A completed application and $500 deposit will secure your spot in the program.

50 in-studio classes are included in your tuition.

Please click on the “buy now” link to make your deposit:



With contributions from a curated roster of well-seasoned teachers, we offer unique methods and perspectives on how to deepen your understanding of Self and develop as a teacher.

LEAD: Cynthia Abulafia, E-RYT 500, C-IAYT, YACEP: Subtle Body, Sacred Texts, Pranayama, Meditation

It is through investigation and attention to detail that the experience of the body, breath, and heart work together in wholeness.  The body is included!  Cynthia loves to explore the body and the yoga movements as a map to reverence for this wild and strange life, which reflects her devotion to what might be called the Goddess Path or the divine feminine.

Cynthia’s main teaching is “notice what you notice.”
In addition to teaching yoga inspired postures, she regularly teaches courses in yoga philosophy, breath work and breathing mechanics, the subtle or energetic body/ kundalini awakening and management, human anatomy for yoga, the sacred texts of yoga and non-dual Tantra, and the ethics of spiritual inquiry.

She started practicing yoga as a pre-teen with her mother and sister, and began teaching in 2005 while still in college.  She has taught at Yoga Soup since 2007 and was instrumental in the creation and leadership of Yoga Soup’s 200 and 300 Hour Teacher Trainings.  Cynthia currently co-leads the 300 hour YTT, where she focuses on the sacred texts of yoga and Tantra and the energetic body.  Her background is in Yoga Therapy, and she is a certified Yoga Therapist, has certifications in Pilates and Thai Yoga, and she holds a Masters degree in Nutrition. Cynthia has spent much of her life studying yoga and Tantra, including Yoga Therapy, Ashtanga, Iyengar, Vinyasa Krama with Srivatsa Ramaswami, modern flow blends and movement science modalities, and many beloved meditation, Advaita, non-dual Tantra, kundalini-Shakti, and self-inquiry teachers, most notably Rupert Spira, the late Bonnie Greenwell, and the late Sally Kempton.


LEAD: Dora Chan, E-RYT 500, certified iRest® Teacher, Yin Yoga, Yoga Nidra

Dora has a fascination with the workings of the human body and mind, especially how stress, anxiety, chronic pain and trauma play a role in our health and well-being. With a Bachelor in Biotechnology and a PhD in Immunology, Dora has a deep appreciation of western scientific methods. However, she also sees the limitation of the western approach to understanding ourselves.

On her quest to seek a deeper understanding of the human body, mind, and in life itself, Dora began training in various eastern modalities. Dora is an experienced Yoga teacher, Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 Certified iRest® Yoga Nidra Meditation teacher, Level 1 Warriors at Ease teacher, Holistic Nutritionist, Reiki Master teacher, and Yoga Therapist in training.

Dora is passionate about bridging western knowledge and eastern wisdom practices to support people in finding healing in body, mind and spirit. She is especially interested in understanding how stress affects the nervous system and how yoga can be used powerfully to support our physical and mental health.

Many people approach life and their yoga practice as two separate things. Dora believes that life and yoga are in fact not separate. Based on the Tantric teachings of Kashmiri Shaivism, Dora’s approach is about welcoming and integrating all aspects of ourselves, which may show up in various ways in our daily lives. Yoga helps us live life in full awareness so that we continue to find new opportunities for integration and returning to wholeness.

Dora invites you to deep self inquiry by challenging your belief system and what you perceive to be true about yourself. With love, gentleness, and non-judgment, she invites you to break free from conditioned beliefs and to expand your mind and heart for limitless growth.


Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn: @dorachanyoga


LEAD: Jazmin Ment, E-RYT 500, Asana and Alignment

Jazmin maintains respect and amazement for the innate wisdom of the body and the transcendent experience of being more and more embodied. Expressed by her commitment to her own practice and living the principles of yoga, she shares her teaching from an integrated understanding of the postures and the practice.

She has practiced Iyengar and other forms of yoga since she was a little girl and still considers herself a student first and always. With thousands of hours of study and 500+ accredited teacher training hours, her understanding of yoga, meditation, the human body, and well-being is extensive and heartfelt. She initially studied to become a yoga teacher with Ganga White and Tracy Rich. She then completed her 300-hour advanced teacher training with world-renowned master teachers Colleen Saidman Yee and Rodney Yee. She has more recently taken a mentor role as a part of their teacher trainings. Jazmin considers Rodney and Colleen her primary teachers and has studied with them since she was a teenager.

Jazmin incorporates her deep-rooted background in Iyengar yoga with the fluid evolution of Vinyasa yoga and its older sister, Ashtanga yoga. Her holistic approach to yoga opens a welcoming door (hopefully with a little humor) into self-awareness and relationship with body, mind and Spirit. She believes it is in and through the body and life itself that we practice Yoga, that we realize our humanness, ours and each other’s. And that through the method of Yoga that we un-do patterns of fear and separateness, ‘sit with it’, and relax into our truest Self, a unique part of the whole. Ultimately, Jazmin believes in the power of Yoga to transform our world and uncover joy, breath by breath, through deep listening and compassion, from the inside-out.

Her approach is rooted in postural alignment, therapeutic benefits and application, pranayama (breath), and meditation as a means to inner and outer peace. The thing she continues to find is that the deeper she dives, the more and more there is to discover and the practice is ever-giving. It is with great commitment that she lives and teaches from a place of deep embodied understanding. It is with great joy and passion that Jazmin shares her lineage of yoga with fellow students and teachers.


Instagram / Facebook: @jazminmentyoga


Plus contributions from: 

If you are ready to take the next step,



  • Sri Vijnana Bhairava Tantra by Swami Satyasangananda Saraswati
  • Bhagavad Gita by Stephen Mitchell
  • Light on Yoga by BKS Iyengar
  • Yoga Body by Mark Singleton
  • Tantra Illuminated by Christopher Wallis
  • Yoga Nidra by Richard Miller
  • The iRest Program for Treating PTSD by Richard Miller


“I would recommend this training for those interested in deeper self-inquiry. To learn the history, philosophy, and anatomy related to sequencing. And the variety and integration of the subject matter. Very high caliber of teachers.” ~Maureen, 2024

“I’ve had the opportunity to learn and practice alongside Cynthia, Jazmin and Dora in their 300 hour teacher training program. I can wholeheartedly say that their teaching has helped move me further along on my own personal spiritual and wellness journey and is preparing me to support others on theirs. They have structured a beautifully complementary and layered series of instructions that share the same philosophical tradition and underpinnings, yet each brings a special voice and lived experience to the overall practice of yoga and meditation as a way to be in one’s body and the world” ~Renske, 2024

I learned so much about anatomy, alignment cues, sequencing. I also gained so much from the trauma-informed perspective, Dora’s suggestions were so clear, nuanced, concrete, and easy to implement.” ~Anonymous, 2024

“My practice on and off the mat has grown. I feel that my devotion to my personal practice has deepened. I also have so much motivation to continue reading and learning.” ~Anonymous, 2024