New to Yoga?

Yoga is a process of self-transformation. It is embodied self-inquiry that brings together mind, body, heart, and spirit in a focused manner. The postures we take in a yoga practice are not the end goals of yoga; every shape we make and every breath we take is an opportunity to realize what is actually true instead of what we have believed to be true.

Yoga can have powerful physiological and psychological benefits if practiced with regularity. If you are new to the practice, Yoga Soup offers options: by clicking into specific classes, you will find informative class descriptions to indicate the level of each offering. You can also use the “Categories” filter on the union class list to filter by level. From there, possibilities abound.

In order to practice yoga you will need a mat, comfortable clothing that you might not mind getting sweaty, and a willingness to explore your self — your body, mind, heart, and spirit — in ways that you might not be used to.

We have mats for rent at the studio if you need one, and plenty of water and snacks to keep you hydrated and happy.

Welcome to Yoga Soup.