Union Livestream Classes
We are using a combination of Union Livestream & Zoom Links to bring classes to you, wherever you are practicing from!

There are a few things to note about the Streaming style of class:
- Not all classes are offered in this format – Only the ones that say “streaming” on the schedule. (See the class type key above.)
- The teacher and other students can’t see your image or hear your voice like they can on Zoom. You will, of course, be able to see and hear the teacher. The teacher can see your name and your photo (if you have one attached to your profile), so they know that you are in class. They can also receive chats from you, so you can let them know about any trouble or issues you are having. Your image won’t be on any class recording.
- In order to chat you need to be out of full-screen mode. When you are in the smaller screen format the chat section is on the right. There is a little line with an arrow in the upper corner that allows you to open the chat if you don’t see it.
- Classes in this format will be added to our replay library shortly after the class. If you register for a class that is offered in this streaming format and you can’t make it at the time it is being offered, you can take the recording up to 24 hours after the class starts. We love this feature. Please note that this is not true for Zoom classes.
We hope to see you in class this week. If you have any feedback or questions, please don’t hesitate to let us know!