Luca Cupery

Luca Cupery

The core of my yoga teaching is that each and every human body has a deep intelligence that’s waiting to be approached with sincerity, curiosity, and compassionate devotion. 

For over 23 years I have cultivated and dedicated myself to the practice and study of Yoga. I draw inspiration from many sources: my teachers and students, nature, Traditional Chinese Medicine, music, Prem Baba’s Path of the Heart, the work of Bob Cooley and his Resistance Flexibility and Strength Training and my true love of movement and breath. 

My class offers a time and place for you to slow down enough to listen to the natural wisdom of your body and your heart and to celebrate your inherent strength, freedom, and beauty through creative and spontaneous movement. The intention is that you can arrive more fully in your experience and check in with what lies just under its surface. The hope is that you can be more comfortable within yourself, no matter what state or shape you think you are in. 

I’m excited about supporting your process of unpacking, unwinding, moving, and releasing what you don’t need to carry and, as a result, making space for more of the good stuff. The invitation is simple: be free, move spontaneously.